
Showing posts from May, 2020

Week 14

An Objective in Advertising is divided between, to inform, to persuade, and to remind. To inform is to educate based on benefits of a product while persuasive is meant to convince the customer to switching brands/products/loyalty to another. Reminder Advertising is used to remind a customer of their need for the product/service. My objective with my advertisement campaign is to persuade the customer with a financially viable option for custom instrument design. I want them to question the authenticity of other brands and retail options when it comes to the quality and prices.

Week 13: P.1

When I’m scrolling through the feed, what catches my eye in the periphery is the clean cut illustrations, solid color palette, and HD photos as a stark contrast from my personal feed. Usually my attention is drawn to the items I’m subconsciously looking for. This is why it’s important to make it clear what you are providing so it is not easily ignored but also to not be too overwhelming on the rest of the page. Consistent structure and color palette will also allow for your ad’s to become easily recognizable. The models in the photo ad’s are meant to capture and relate to the application of their service/product in normal life. Instead of flashy fonts, caps lock explanations, and incorrectly contrasted colors to convince the viewer, it's important to convince the viewer how incorporating their service/product is an appeal they manifest for themselves. Clicking on links in the professional ad’s would send me to a well structured, professional website, but sometimes I would be sent t...