Week 3: P.1

During a business to customer interaction, especially online, it is the responsibility of the business to insure that the customer is consistently updated and informed when technicalities come from their end. Its frustrating when it takes months to get a response from a business on email. Generally, it will make the customer feel unimportant and will most likely consider a competitor's service/product rather than the other's, for good reason. 

I had a similar situation with a small business selling clothes online, it was a hoodie and few shirts, although I don't remember which business it was. 

When I confirmed the order with a shipping time of 10-15 business days (couldn't afford that $40 two day shipping), or around 3 weeks, but 3 months went by with multiple emails from me about them failing to send a confirmation that my package had shipped. Then I finally got a response and surprisingly they were quick to let me know that my package had now shipped and apologized. The positive, I got my clothes in the mail soon after that, but I couldn't get the thought that they left me waiting for 3 months to let me know that my package had shipped. An incredible amount of time to delay a delivery and keeping a customer in the dark.

To solve this problem today, understanding how different businesses prioritize different social media services creates a starting line for people to tell their stories to others. Where competitors can realize where they are lacking in efficiency and market it to the potential customers, who are now conflicted. This is now what keeps a business in check when it has a presence on social media. The gains are the constant feedback and reviews of your product, but comes with extreme vulnerability to criticism from annoyed customers who have had bad experiences. 

When writing a review for a business on social media, you want to mention comparable prices, delivery time, quality of product (helps with pictures if able), and response time in communication. If you've had a bad experience, the same applies, but now mentioning issues like customer service quality. Was the representative helpful, respectful, efficient, and quick to response with full attention? Mention all the issues, but getting too dramatic or passionate can lead to many not taking you seriously. Confidently and clearly call out the bad service. The "good" business should react to negative comments with immediate action to work out the issue and ultimately insure customer satisfaction. But it should not be an allowed occurrence to have these issues, as it can quickly become an uncontrollable wildfire if many are sharing similar experiences that need to be addressed. 

Also feedback on good reviews is just as important as bad reviews. As a personal connection to the customer will naturally draw them to your business because they feel listened to and acknowledged for their love or criticism.


  1. I agree with what you said when you said "good reviews are just important as bad". As well as social media and communication is a key part to a successful business.

  2. Hi Dominic, I got frustrated just reading about your experience with the clothing and shipping. Nothing is worse than spending money on something you want and expect on time only for business to ignore you and disregard you. It is a great way for them to get negative attention. In reference to your paragraph about reviews, I agree 100% that when leaving one it shouldn't be overly dramatic or passionate. As a consumer I find myself not even paying attention to these because I am looking for a clear, concise and honest description of someones experience.

  3. I have dealt with a lack of communication from online businesses. There should always be a follow-up e-mail in regards to your purchase and order tracking. It keeps the customer assured that everything is set in place and contact is available when needed. Great post Dominic.

  4. You give some thoughtful insight as to what should be included in a review. That is shouldn't just about the items themselves but to look beyond that and review all aspects of a business. I will keep that in mind. Isn't it true though that if we get really good service, we don't often take the time to write a positive review?


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