Week 4: P.1


"GatesnFences" is a company that provides the service/product of iron gate construction, with credentials like contracts with Disney. But their lack of passion in the website, in turn, makes them lose credibility. First, there is a lack of consistency with font, text color, and contrast. Next, they have animations going through titles, links, and text with poor contrast. Their main text color is black with links painted in blue, a normal practice. But the description of the business takes up the entirety of the screen with it being in an incredibly wide format and small text. Another confusing navigation problem is the incredibly large list in the directory that would overwhelm anyone scrolling through. With colors like a red background and white text makes it hard to follow. Images appear amateur and at different angles, this makes it confusing to look at. Improvements would be to organize the main information at the home site, put it in readable paragraphs or provide a directory to that information. Then with the directory they should compress information into a general list at the home. When pressing the directory link from the home it should provide another list of items similar to that set that were previously crowding the past directory.


"Rover Cars" is a business that specializes in parts for the Rover P6. Although a very small audience of people would come to the site, since it is uncommon, their directory is awful. The same image of a Rover P6 with the different links in bright red spanning all the way down the page, providing all the different models a customer is searching for. This could all be condensed into a smaller list with more sub-directories, fixing the background of the icons with a white background and black text with their website background being a light gray. Assuming the resources this business has, this would look cleaner and more professional, also a cheaper alternative. Simplifying their color palette would heavily improve it, most of their text colors and text backgrounds being several different colors like green, bright red, black, yellow, blue, maroon, turquoise, grey, and light grey. The excess of photos makes it even more difficult to navigate the screen and every directory link on the site is filled with the same amount of clutter. Most of the images are unnecessary to add, removing and organizing their images would make it more comfortable for customers.


The "Headhunter Hairstyling" website is very comforting when first opening. The GIF of the hair accompanied by a soft text saying, “Welcome to Headhunter Hair styling”. Their most prominent color is a deep turquoise with a white text background.
The Logo is situated in a proper location at the top left. There is no need to scroll down far on the home page with most customer information provided from the directory. The directory itself is also well constructed, with only 6 simple links, making navigation easier. The services page is contrasted with black icons and a grey sub-text. Each price and service is neatly organized into separate paragraphs. All photos of products are provided at the bottom of the page, away from the upper half of the page.
Each description of the stylists was easy to associate and all the small text is aligned to the left with a proper font size and a consistent font. Their design showed me the influence color and contrast has when navigating a business website. The turquoise and white was perfect for the aesthetic the business was going for, a relaxing service from a business that's well organized with a professional vision.


"Toyota" is a large and professional company, so their site is naturally going to be more specialized but with the vision of pure business. Their home site contains advertisements as the focal point. Scroll down and it contains a list of models, hybrid models, and news. These are all organized into sections that are colored properly to not allow the other sections to distract. But scrolling down is unnecessary as at the main directory, located at the top. They provide a drop down list of the vehicles, shopping tools, dealers, builds, prices, and other important info. The use of red and white is interesting since it is hard to properly contrast. Toyota put the right amount of grouping and spacing between each red text and that gives each a purpose, rather than randomly assigning highlighted texts. The unusual techniques Toyota uses with their positioning and contrast provides another layer of understanding into how positioning can improve unusual color palette and information positioning.


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